Saturday, March 21, 2009

Trust a keyboard????

So how interesting is it to see even large companies utilizing social networking? Is it really easier for everyone to express their thoughts to a computer? Is that the "more efficient way" of getting things done nowadays??? I wonder why individuals on the "lower" branch of a social network are more efficient when the face-to-face component is removed. Could it be because there the trust and respect for the managers was not there to begin with?

I find it very interesting that people are more comfortable voicing their ideas, fears, thoughts and even frustrations to a computer. It even alarms me somewhat to know that some people may not be able to voice anything out anymore. So the question that arises in my mind is: At the end of the day can we honestly trust a keyboard to reassure us, to comfort us, to simply be there for us?


  1. I agree that social networking capabilities and "the keyboard" continue to aid and abet our ability to confront issues face-to-face. In a movie which I recently saw, "He's Just Not That Into You," the actors state that a MySpace post instead of a call is nothing more than a "booty call." As a result, the person behind the keyboard emerges as a disingenuous individual...someone who favors being impersonal to being direct...some may call him a downright coward.

  2. I think the problem may be that we've given people a way out. I haven't seen that movie, but I get the idea. Before Facebook and MySpace, people had to call or meet each other in order to communicate. Now, it's much easier, we can message, or poke, or ping, all actions with non-immediate consequences. What I mean is, I think it is much easier for someone to send a message knowing that he/she can edit it before sending and that it won't get an immediate reply. It's a way of protecting ourselves, an easy way to test to see if the person is interested without exposing real thoughts and/or feelings.

  3. Bronislava, I think saying that we all confide in keyboards is like saying that when we call someone up we are confiding in a phone.

    To the extent that you're talking about blogs, social networking, and email, people are confiding in one another as much (and almost certainly more) than ever. It's just that they're using different tools.

    I also think it's the case that online interaction can supplement in person interaction in a positive way. I've written a post about this on my blog and linked to you:

  4. I definitely agree with you Bronislava. It is amazing we trust a keyboard even at work. Also, in terms of socializing, Emails, Facebook and Myspace allow individuals to have a "different" face and feel more comfortable writing things they wouldn't normally say - We really do put so much trust in our keyboards which people don't even realize anymore! As well, when we see colleagues and bosses on facebook and myspace - it takes away the privacy of what a personal life is outside of work.
